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A quarterly TTRPG magazine made by TTRPG fans! Our first issue is available now, with 75 pages of submitted content like: a D&D 5e adventure; NPCs, places, and items for systems like Pathfinder, Shadow Dark, D&D and more; character stories and builds, plus our TWO spotlight pieces on real small creators in the community.
Get your copy of Everyday Dragons on our sister website, CantripsMedia.com. Available in both digital and physical formats!

Collaborate with Everyday Dragons
Over 75% of the content found in Everyday Dragons come from people like you, real everyday members of the TTRPG community! We want to hear from you! Content is not limited to D&D.
April Issue Submission Deadline is February 15th, 2025
Why Submit?
If your piece is selected for the magazine you will get a free digitalcopy of the magazine, and a discount on the physical copy! Plus you are helping a small business and creator!
What Am I Allowed to Submit?
This magazine is not just for Dungeons and Dragons fans. We embrace submissions from all sorts of TTRPG related sources. Here are a few examples of the pieces showcased in our magazine.
- Adventures & One Shots
- NPC and Monster Stats
- Short Stories
- Session Recaps
- Character Builds & Artwork
- Maps & Tokens
- Tutorials & DIYs
- Advice Articles
- Items & Locations
- Activity Pages (Quizzes, Word Searches, etc)
- Recommended Tools
- Resource Pages for specific TTRPG Pages
- Rolltables
- So Much More!
What's Not Allowed?
AI generated work is not accepted Everyday Dragons Magazine is designed to showcase small creators in the TTRPG community, including various artists, writers, and creators. Therefore we will not accept any creative pieces that have been generated, even partially, by AI generation software. We thank you for supporting artists and creators in this way.
Unsure What to Submit? Talk with Other Collaborators!
Join our Cantrips Canteeen discord server to chat with other collaborators about what you can do to help. Many are eager to work together to mesh ideas and create an even better magazine. So come chat with us!

What is Everyday Dragons Magazine?
Everyday Dragons Magazine is a magazine designed to showcase all the small creators in the TTRPG realm who make the hobby what it is. Our goal is to connect readers with small creators (or “Everyday Dragons” if you will) in the TTRPG community through a variety of stories, adventure resources, product reviews, tutorials, and more.
This magazine doesn’t just focus on D&D. While many of our resources (like monster stats) will be designed with D&D in mind, we want to highlight other systems too or that can be used regardless of system. D&D is still the biggest beast in the jungle (for the moment), but we will strive to make the resources available for other systems as well, as the magazine grows.
Other Ways You Can Help
Consider submitting to our next issue! Submission deadline is February 15th, 2025. You can submit your final work here.
Support us on Patreon
Use Patreon to subscribe to the magazine! You’ll also get special livestreams, behind-the-scenes shots and access to polls plus Foundry VTT adventure modules for content in the magazine!
Follow Us
Show your support by following us on Instagram!